Sock Monsters


Sock Monsters!

Who have not dealt with sock monsters? Monsters who eat socks, one from each set, leaving the other one miserable!

Every year when cold weather creeps in I buy lots of socks for my daughter.  As weeks pass by I would catch her wearing different socks. When I ask she would innocently say, “mama, I couldn’t find the matching one, now the trend is wearing unmatching ones.”  I later realized that almost all kids do this, they really don’t care whether socks  match or not. They don’t have time to look for the right pair and just wear whatever they can grab.

Every couple of months as I clean out  old and unfit clothes from the closets I notice that there would be a pile of socks without the matching ones.  I always wonder where they have gone. Then I remembered sock monsters.  I am convinced that their usual hiding place is laundry room.

Last week I had to do laundry in a hotel laundromat.  I put  two pairs of socks in the laundrybag. As I was folding the cleaned clothes, I noticed that one of the socks from a pair was missing. I kept searching; I went back and checked the washer, then the dryer but couldn’t find it anywhere. I thought of stock monsters that are lurking everywhere. I was assured that it was an act of one of the monsters residing in the hotel.  Accepting the fate, I decided to put away the sock that lost its pair.

After couple of hours as I was doing yoga, I noticed something near the couch. I reached for it and found that it was my missing sock!

My strong hunch is that the sock monster felt sorry for me and left it there for me to see.  What do you think?



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